Rare Coin Scams: What to Beware of

Investing in rare coins can be a rewarding endeavor, both financially and personally. The world of numismatics offers collectors and investors a wealth of opportunities to explore history, art and economics. However, this lucrative area also attracts unscrupulous individuals who attempt to defraud naive or inexperienced buyers. In this guide,...

Gold coin sizes and their popularity among professional collectors

Gold coins have been a popular investment and collector's item for centuries. They come in different sizes, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Below we'll go over the different gold coin sizes and examine which ones are the most popular among professional collectors. Common sizes of gold coins :...

Rare coins in Germany and worldwide

Collecting rare and limited edition coins is a fascinating hobby that combines history, artistry and sometimes even investment potential. Whether you are interested in a South African Krugerrand, a Mexican Libertad, an American Eagle, a Centenario, limited edition Russian coins, or modern Ukrainian gold coins, it is important to find...

Limited Edition Coins: A Guide for Beginning Collectors

Collecting limited edition coins is an exciting endeavor that offers both financial benefits and the joy of owning a piece of history. Limited edition gold coins, in particular, offer the dual advantage of having both historical and intrinsic value. This guide aims to introduce beginners to some of the most...

Krugerrand: A stable gold investment in uncertain times and a smart choice for retirement planning

In our increasingly unstable economic landscape, the need for stable, reliable investment options has never been greater. Stock markets are volatile, traditional savings accounts offer negligible interest rates, and even real estate is not immune to fluctuations. In this context, Krugerrand gold coins stand out as an investment that combines...

Buying and Selling Rare Coins: A Compact Guide

Interest in the rare coin market has increased significantly in recent years. Whether you're a long-term investor, a casual collector, or someone looking to sell a rare find, it's important to understand the intricacies of buying and selling rare coins. This compact guide explains the key points to consider when...

The Attraction of Certified Coins: The Added Value of Certificates of Authenticity and Original Packaging

In the fascinating world of coin collecting, every detail matters, from metal content to design to historical significance. While all of these factors contribute to a coin's overall appeal, an often overlooked aspect that significantly affects a coin's desirability and value is its certification status and the presence of an...