The (not so) golden tip: Why online coin appraisals are sometimes nonsense

The (not so) golden tip: Why online coin appraisals are sometimes nonsense

The (not so) golden tip: Why online coin appraisals are sometimes nonsense

Ringing alarm at Bernhard’s Coin Magic! Bernard adjusts his glasses and picks up the phone. “History at pocket money price? “This is Bernhard’s coin magic!” he greets us kindly.

“Bernard, old stamp friend! Do you remember Uncle Norbert’s Krugerrand?” asks an excited voice on the other end. “The one that looked like a giant chocolate coin?”

Bernard laughs. “Exactly that one! Have you finally gotten over your chocolate addiction?”

“Oh nonsense, Bernard! Apparently it’s worth a fortune! Some online appraiser said it was a ‘Proof Krugerrand’ and could bring in a lot of money!”

Bernard’s smile fades a little. “Harold, these online estimates are like fortune tellers at the fair. Funny to listen to, but not always reliable when it comes to selling.”

“But he said at least ten thousand dollars! Just imagine, Harold, ten thousand dollars for a coin that’s been gathering dust in a box for years!”

Bernard sighs. “Listen carefully, Harold. The value of a coin does not only depend on an online appraisal. It depends on what someone is willing to pay for it – on the real market, I mean.”

A brief silence. Then an embarrassed clearing of the throat. “So what do you think I could get for it, Bernard?”

Bernard grins. “Why don’t you just bring her over tomorrow, Harold? We’ll take a look at it and give you a realistic price. No guarantee of ten thousand dollars, but maybe enough for a few nice meals… or even a giant chocolate coin if the craving is still there.”

“Well, okay, you’re right,” says Harold on the other end. “See you tomorrow then, Bernard!”

When Bernard hangs up, he smiles. Harold may be a little gullible, but at least he is willing to learn. Because a little bit of expertise is worth more than an estimate from the Internet.


Don’t be fooled by online stories!

Remember: the true value of your coins lies in what collectors are willing to pay for them. At Wasserthal RareCoin.Store we offer you:

Expertise and fair prices: Our experts will assess your coins free of charge and without obligation and determine their true market value. Please note: we do not evaluate or buy all coins! Our focus is on coins, which we also offer in our online store. We have extensive expertise in this area and can therefore guarantee you the best service and the best prices. Wasserthal RareCoin.Store specializes in certain coins. This focus enables us to offer our customers the highest level of expertise and individual advice.

Fast and uncomplicated sale: Sell your coins directly to us – without annoying auction procedures and long waiting times.

Transparent processing: We guarantee you a transparent and fair processing of the entire sales process.

No hidden costs: We have no hidden fees or costs. The price we offer you is the price you get.

Discretion and security: Your coins are in safe hands with us. We guarantee absolute discretion and the protection of your valuables.

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